The world we live in

Our world has changed so much over the year’s.

The Democrat party is no longer the same party it was.

I ask myself many time’s what has happened to people?

Why is our world changed so much ?

I look around and I watch the news but,there’s no good answer. I see so much hate for one thing or person or even group of people. And I don’t get it why is our world come to a place of hate ?

Why is someone thinking differ from another person a reason to hate them?

Why is it a reason to hate a person if their idea’s are different from anyone else’s??

And I could go on, There’s no good reason to hate anyone.

This country was founded on the free though and freedoms we have enjoyed for many year’s.

Yet in the world we now live in if you express your thoughts it’s wrong. Someone gets mad even hates you.

Why is that ? We’re not robot’s we’re all different.

We all were given that right to be different. Just because someone likes one flavor ice cream over another does someone hate them? I sure hope not. I was raised in a world of bigotry I never understood it.

You see I’m the kind of person that if you treat Me right that’s all that matters. I’ve never judged anyone on skin color or how a person thought. I may not agree with them on thing’s that’s ok. I don’t live their life they do.

I never cared what someone else owned or didn’t own.Why does anyone care what their neighbors own?

Or why would someone care what you eat or how much of it ? It’s their choice isn’t it??

God gave each and everyone a free will and choice.

And our founding fathers felt that was a good thing. They wrote it in our constitution as well.

There’s a saying live and let live. I agree . Everyone knows right from wrong,like stealing,lying ,harming people for no reason. If your protecting your family and you should hurt someone that I believe is understandable.

But, I don’t think anyone should harm anyone should set out to harm anyone just because.

A person’s skin color is no reason to hate or harm them.

I really wish I understood why there’s so much hate in people’s heart’s these day’s.

People of color fought a long hard fight to have equal right’s with Dr Martin L King’s leardership and I never understood why they even had to fight for their god given right’s. But?,they had to and did. Now I have to thank god he isn’t here to see what these young people are doing. He I believe would roll over in his grave if he knew what they were doing.

Mr.King belived in peaceful protest. He didn’t believe in burning thing’s,he didn’t believe in stealing things or hurting people. It’s shameful what they’re doing and have done calling it a protest. Dr.King would be very ashamed of them.

Our world here in this country was becoming a much better place then all of a sudden for what ever reason.

People started pushing racist ideology both black and white. I have to ask those people just what they got out of doing that. I’ll never understand that kind of person.

It’s like they couldn’t stand a country where people got along and people was starting to do better in many other ways as well. With tax cuts and more to come. School choice for children so every child could get good schooling. Why would anyone have a problem with those thing’s?

I just don’t understand.

Well,I just pray that god will help me to understand.

I don’t understand hate to a point of hurting yourself and your family just to get even or power. I can’t see or understand it.

Maybe someone does I sure don’t.

Have a great one everyone.

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